Ancestry sends a message to Brexit Britain about its European DNA

By on Tuesday, January 30, 2018

AncestryDNA, the family history company, have released a cheeky, Brexit-riffing, video which highlights their research that “typical Brit” is 60 per cent European.

The witty TVC by Droga5 features an optimistic collection of assorted Europeans belting out Rick Astley’s 1988 hit singing “Together Forever.”

A spokesperson told “We may be on our way out of the EU, but our enduring connection to Europe is here to stay. The findings from AncestryDNA reveal that Britons derive, on average, 60 per cent of their ancestry from Europe.”

Russell James of AncestryDNA said: “Our new campaign rises above the divisiveness of Brexit to celebrate the enduring cultural and ancestral links that millions of Britons have with Europe. At Ancestry, we believe our shared Europeanness is something we can all celebrate, regardless of how we voted in the referendum.”

The 60-second ad will run on 29 January.

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