Amazon take over Westminster tube station

By on Friday, January 13, 2017

Global giant Amazon has taken to the London underground to change the Westminster tube station signs to read ‘Webminster’

The stunt came on the 12th of January and was carried out by London-based Stewart Signs. Many of the signs around the underground station were changed, including the iconic London Underground sign.

Amazon has been branching out into lots of different sectors over the last five years and has built another entity in Amazon Web Services. There has been talk of the web services side of the company diverging into its own entity but many believe it will do better if it stays as a single identity.

I like the idea of the stunt, changing an iconic art of London heritage in a central and busy location where it is guaranteed to be seen. However something has been lost in the execution. The correlation between ‘Webminster’ and Amazon is tenuous to say the least. The headline reads extremely well ‘Amazon change signs in London tube station’, but I think the stunt lacks depth and genuine thought.

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