Netflix is converting 200 Coffee Shops into Luke’s Diner for “Gilmoreversary”.

By on Wednesday, October 5, 2016

To celebrate 16 years from the premiere of the show “Gilmore Girls” – hence Gilmoreversary – and to promote the upcoming premiere for the follow-up 4-part series “Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life” on November 25, Netflix is converting 200 coffee shops around the US into the hallmark spot from the show – Luke’s Diner on October 5th, serving free coffee in this very special date.

According to Netflix, from 7 a.m. until noon, fans can experience their own mini Stars Hollow by getting some free coffee, complete with Gilmore-themed cups and sleeves, from over 200 coffee shops.

This map shows every “Luke’s” available on this date.

The Atlantic has a detailed write-up about how it went in one of those Coffee Shops.




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