Kiwi kids quote Trump in video campaign for… online electricity retailer

By on Thursday, May 12, 2016

In this somewhat tenuously-linked campaign, one online electricity retailer has released a video of kids mockingly quoting Donald Trump because, ahem, you should use power for good, not bad:

New Zealand-based Powershop’s Facebook video of children quoting Donald Trump has had 350,000-ish views (ooh, here’s a good piece analysing online video view counts you might want to avoid showing your clients) and although it might sound like I’m being down on the #CONTENT, the frankly excellent wigs and delivery offset any early-morning grumpiness I can muster.

Powershop’s CEO Ari Sargent waded into the political sphere with his quote:

[Trump] “likes to abuse his power and influence to promote his prehistoric views about minority groups of society. Our video parodies Mr Trump by projecting his own words through the mouths of lovable toddlers to highlight how infantile he is.”

More: Mashable

Involved agency: Poem Group

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