Free Uber taxi rides given to over-the-limit Canadians

By on Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Uber, the taxi app firm everybody loves to hate, recently ran with this actually very smart campaign in Canada, giving drunk revellers (is there any other type of reveller?) a free cab if they were over the legal limit to drive.

uber breathalyser 2

Using disposable straws, passers-by were invited to use a branded breathalyser. If over the limit, a taxi was sent to that pick-up location to give the person a safe ride home.

uber breathalyser


(I wish I could say I was mature enough not to laugh at the idea of drunks being told to ‘blow here’ for a ‘ride on us’, but I just could not).

Campaign video here:

Thanks to Bournemouth Uni student Hannah Cooper for letting me know about this one!

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