Marriott Hotels Explore Virtual Reality Travel
By Staff on Monday, September 22, 2014
Marriott hotels has unveiled a new travel booth in New York where guests can explore the black sand beaches of Hawaii or the top of London’s Tower 42, without buying so much as a bus ticket – reports the Daily Mail.
Oculus Rift technology allows users to feel sensory elements such as heat, wind and mist as well as seemingly ‘seeing’ new locations in front of them.
According to the site ‘Users stand in a phone-booth like structure, put on a virtual headset and wireless headphones, and then are ‘teleported’ to the destination for a 100-second ‘experience’. Built-in 4D technology means the user physically feels different parts of the environment, such as temperature and moisture.’
‘Marriott needed to build credibility with younger travelers,’ Michael Dail, the company’s VP of global brand marketing told Wired.
‘The tech has been there for a while, the application has been there, but now that it’s becoming accessible and mainstream, we wanted to be the first to jump out there.
‘We wanted something more immersive, more experiential, that helps people connect with that feeling of what travel is really about.’
The ‘Teleporter’ made its public debut September 18 at the Marriott in New York, where it will stay for five days before embarking on an eight-city U.S tour.