Loch Ness Monster Spotted In The Lake District

By on Friday, September 12, 2014

A photographer has captured this strange image of a Nessie-like creature while taking snaps on Lake Windemere.

The Mirror reports ‘Photographer Ellie Williams captured this amazing image of what she believes to be a creature from the deep while taking snaps in the Lake District. The 24-year-old had set up her camera tripod to automatically take photos throughout the day at Windermere. It was only when she reviewed the images, which were supposed to be of the colours of the changing seasons, that she came across the shocking snap.”


Photo emerges of a creature, resembling the Loch Ness Monster, swimming in Lake Windermere

Meanwhile Metro says the photographer is a man ‘who asks to remain anonymous’ – adding fuel to the fire that the creation is the work of some crazed marketeer or prankster. But who?

“The fact the photograph was taken and tweeted by the firm that makes the clever automatic camera responsible for the shot, and it becomes a matter on which even a partial Scottish jury surely would not be able to agree,” concludes The Daily Mail.


“At first, we thought it was a swan or goose,” James Ebdon of camera manufacturer (and the firm that tweeted about the ‘finding) Autographer told Huffington Post. “Initially we were excited, then skeptical, and then we started laughing. Who knows what it is — maybe some kids messing about — whatever it is we will leave it to the experts.”

In the hiatus preceding the outcome of the Scottish Independence vote – the snap has certainly been entertaining the nation’s picture editors.

(Brief addition from PRexamples’ founder Rich Leigh):

PR seeds were sewn days ago, when Autographer tweeted this photo (and another afterwards, before tweeting with the ‘actual’ shot):

Involved agency: Hope & Glory PR

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