Godzilla Statue Unveiled In Tokyo
By Staff on Friday, July 18, 2014
Tokyo’s midtown has a giant Godzilla statue.
The massive statue was created to mark the Japan release of Gareth Edwards’ new blockbuster.
Screencrush reports “this work of art stands as a perfect tribute to 60 years of city smashing, radioactive breathing, and giant monster battling. It’s a thing of true beauty.”
Functions of the ‘Godzilla’ statue, include fire rays and a light show.
The picture captions reads: ‘Crew member Tetsuo Hayashi airbrushes the final touches to a 6.6-meter (more than 21 feet) replica of the famous Godzilla at Tokyo Midtown on July 15, 2014 in Tokyo, Japan. The Godzilla built on the lawns of Tokyo Midtown will host a light show every night complete with mist, audio, and fire rays.’
In other Godzilla-related news..
The Ginza Tanaka jewellery company have made a solid gold monster to celebrate the beasts’ 60th birthday.
It stands about 10-inches tall and weighs 33-pounds. You can buy it for 150-million yen (about $1.47 million USD).
via Geekologie