Labour launches the Easter Clegg, which contain no nuts and will melt under pressure

By on Monday, April 21, 2014

The Labour party has produced a chocolate treat to celebrate Easter this year with the launch of the Easter Clegg – a chocolate version of deputy prime minister Nick Clegg. A limited number of the eggs have been produced, and they are said to be ‘completely hollow’, ‘leave a bad taste in your mouth’ and ‘melt under pressure’.

A particularly nice touch is that they contain ‘no nuts’ and come with ‘a free mug inside’. The packaging even contains handy storage information, stating that the product should be kep ‘in David Cameron’s pocket’. The egg is also described as being “100% artificially Conservative”. Labour do love their wordplay!

Source: The Mirror

Source: The Mirror

A Labour source states that “Just like Nick Clegg, our eggs melt when the heat is on.”

The stunt comes ahead of next month’s European and local elections, and The Independent, The Mirror and the Mail Online have covered the story. #easterclegg is currently gaining traction on Twitter. So far, no reaction from the Conservatives, watch this space.


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