YouTube Marriage Removal
By Don Ferguson on Sunday, January 19, 2014
Maryland law firm Esteban Gergely have gone all creative with their latest advertising campaign utilising a common YouTube based problem to publicise their speciality – the bitter world of divorce.
Although being inventive when it comes to ‘the truth’, law firms are not exactly noted for an ostensibly creative flair for PR and advertising – however this particular band of suits realised the need to be so was of paramount importance in an increasingly competitive and cutthroat industry.
So, with the help of creative ad agency Wing, they alighted on the bitter memories couples are left with following divorce as a creative theme for the campaign – using the insight that what were once treasured moments, are often quickly morphed into resentment, acrimony and downright hatred.
Working this into the modern day visual digital memory depository that is YouTube, the black screen and words, “this video has been removed by user” are used as an ingenious allegory, clearly portraying their unique service as one that would make embittered feelings quickly disappear following “amicable” separation proceedings.
Very clever, very shareable and most importantly very memorable, the campaign gives a deeply dull and upsetting subject an irreverent spin and more mass-market appeal (not sure if that’s a good thing).
Anyway, here’s the ad – so if none of my ramblings made any sort of sense, just watch it and all should become clear…