Nissan delivers the Versa Note via Amazon

By on Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Back in September, Nissan and Amazon teamed up for an ad campaign on Amazon’s homepage that directed car shoppers interested in buying a new 2014 Nissan Versa Note, starting at $16,000, to fill out a contact form on a special landing page.

A Reddit user posted this photo with the caption “What’s the largest item you can have shipped from Amazon? Because I think my neighbor just got it.


Reddit went all cray, and someone pointed out it could be something do with with the Nissan partnership from a few months back.

Ad news sites AdFreak got in touch with Nissan to confirm, and Erich Marx, the director of interactive and social-media marketing, confirmed that the Redditor had captured the delivery – which was meant to be kept under wraps until a video could be released next week.

The idea came up in a brainstorm by their Ad agency TBWA\Chiat\Day, and even though they laughed it off, they couldn’t let it go. He said “It’s never really been done. I think the visual is pretty hilarious. Everybody knows the Amazon box. We thought it would capture people’s imagination. It certainly captured ours.”

 “We were filming the video this weekend and a neighbor noticed what we were doing and posted what amounts to a spy photo,” said Marx. “The best laid marketing plans, right? We were going to do a press release and a video and this whole thing next week. But the photo got out there, and people started buzzing about it. So we had to scramble.”

Agency: TBWA\Chiat\Day (USA)

Source: AdWeek, Daily Mail and Ad Age.

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