How Sh*t is Art?
By Don Ferguson on Friday, December 27, 2013
A non-profit project in San Francisco has taken toilet humour to a new level, using the mystical powers of the porcelain throne for good in their effort to raise awareness around the sanitation problems faced by the homeless.
Utilising the latrine as a flushable canvas, Lava Mae commissioned a number of local artists to re-design their own commodes and display their masterpiece on the city’s main thoroughfare – as part of an outdoor exhibition lovingly named “C’mon, Give a Shit”.
Although something of a clunky trojan-horse of a campaign – and a little route one (or maybe number two), the “exhibition” hit the streets on the UN acknowledged World Toilet Day to create a salient platform to talk to the media about the key messaging of the campaign, without preaching too much.
What’s more, the street art is a media-friendly precursor to the spring 2014 launch of their campaign to roll-out of a ‘MUNI Bus’ – a retro-fitted mobile unit that will deliver shower and toilet facilities to the city’s down-and-outs.
“We want to deliver dignity. We feel that if you don’t have access to hygiene you lose touch with your humanity” said Lava Mae founder Doniece Sandoval
“We’re creating a model for delivery of service that others can embrace, a forum that works like open source technology. Our designs, our budgets, anything we can help bring to other communities.”
What’s more, the arty loos are up for auction here, with proceeds benefiting Lava Mae – so if you want to own your own piece of bathroom art, get bidding now.