Crowd Sourcing Music by Wrecking Records
By Don Ferguson on Sunday, September 1, 2013
Currently crowd sourcing is all the rage and it seems every designer, artiste, bon-vivant and outstanding London craft beer brand *wink* are having a go – so when it comes to music, the Ma-Ma collective’s ‘Project Bootleg’ offers an interesting spin on the oeuvre courtesy of an unwitting audience.
In its current form the idea of crowdsourcing an album or individual track isn’t necessarily anything new, most notably with the Kaiser Chiefs produced by the people platform which could be considered as kicking the current iteration of the trend off.
Ma-Ma’s version is however completely distinct …
So, prior to each performance by Project Bootleg musicians Die Antwoord, Gold Panda, The Roots, Apparat, and Deadmau5, a number of empty vinyls “recorded with silence” were stuck to the concert venue floor before the audience arrived.
Once the music started and excitement reached fever pitch, the audience began stepping, jumping and dancing on the vinyls into oblivion. Once the dust settled and the music faded away, the creative team MaMa (Manuel Urbanke and Maximilian Hoch) scooped-up the scratched records, reassembled them and the noises made with the record player were mixed into an array of original tracks.
Not exactly the most melodic of sounds, what is cool is that this is arguably the world’s first live recording that’s literally made by the crowd – all of which can be heard here: