University of Sheffield sends students into Space (well… kind of!)

By on Tuesday, August 6, 2013


To grab the attention of students who are going to University this September, the University of Sheffield have launched a #GoHigher campaign to persuade students to upgrade to them during ‘clearing’.

The stunt has truly gone out of this world, by attaching an advert to a balloon that was then sent up, up and away reaching the height of 37.6km – making it the highest advertisement ever!

Attached to the advert was a microchip containing the names of over 2,000 students who opted in to be blasted floated up.

The stunts aim was to showcase the previous students who have excelled by attending the University, from Olympic Gold medallist Jessica Ennis to a student who was a leader in planning The Shard.

If you’re a student biting your nails come exam result time, you can register for clearing at Sheffield Uni here.

(Source: Huffington Post and ITV News)


There’s some pretty cool videos to watch below of it going up:

Lift off

Into the clouds

Over the blanket

In space

Highest point

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