Kim and Kanye spoof baby photos prove a hit in picture-led stunt

By on Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A photographer has cashed in on the birth of little North West by producing some (kind of bizarre) imaginings of Kim, Kanye and their new arrival.

This sort of simple picture-led stunt is gaining in popularity – Ladbrokes did the same thing last month with their spoof royal birth photos, and it seems to prove a hit with the media.

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 Alison Jackson, the photographer, has received a big splash on the holy grail that is MailOnline which credits her in the headline as well as the captions and a boilerplate providing her website and Facebook page.

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Apparently such is the thirst of the people for celebrity insight that look-a-like photos receive a shed-load of coverage: the story has also been picked up by Independent, NY Daily News, London Evening Standard, Digital Spy, MSN and Look, to name just a few.

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