Actress clings to King Kong’s hand at top of 300m skyscraper in PR stunt to promote Musical

By on Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A giant disembodied King Kong hand was hoisted to the top of Melbourne, Australia’s Eureka Tower skyscraper yesterday, holding aerial stunt artist Leigh-Anne Vizer in a stunt to celebrate the opening of King Kong the Musical on June 15th.

king-kong-on-eureka tower pr stunt

Vizer stayed suspended, 300m (just shy of 1,000ft) above the ground, for about 10 minutes whilst the media took pictures. She went back later on to capture some incredible night shots.

leigh-anne vizer night king kong

According to the source link below, the hand will remain on Level 88 of Eureka Tower for the next nine months to promote the opening of King Kong the Musical.

This video (embedded from The Age) talks more about the stunt:

Involved company: Creative Production Services (the hand was designed by creative director, Christian Wagstaff)


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