Girl dumps boyfriend on Valentine's Day using one of Lord Sugar's ad screens
By Rich Leigh on Friday, February 15, 2013
A woman dumped her boyfriend yesterday – that’s right, on Valentine’s Day – with a message she’d paid to have up on an ad display.
The location of the ad display – an Esso garage in Manchester – was allegedly chosen because that’s where her now-ex Dan gets his lunch. The ad
was taken out on an Amscreen digital billboard.
Now, Lord Sugar is the Chairman of the Amshold Group, which owns Amscreen, Viglen and Amsprop (thanks Wikipedia). Amscreen is headed up by the gruff one’s eldest son, Simon.
The reason the undoubtedly harsh yet funny story has made it onto PRexamples is because, to a cynic, it’s most likely a very nicely executed stunt. Nicely executed because it’s found its way onto the likes of The Sun, New York Post and even Perez Hilton’s blog, with mentions of the company and even how much it costs to hire it per month (£100, by the way).
Still, his Lordship seems pleased:
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Source: The Sun
(Likely!) Involved agency: Frank PR