French food company Michel et Augustin using political candidate cartoons on their products: Publicity stunt success?

By on Saturday, April 28, 2012

The reactions to cartoon images of french presidential hopefuls and their spouses found on food products such as biscuits and yogurts were somewhat violent this week in France. The Guardian reports ‘Such was the outrage that things were thrown and broken and shoppers were reduced to shouting in the aisles.’  The french clearly felt that having to look at Sarkozy even as they reach  into the fridge for a yogurt was one step too far.

Michel et Augustin put the images on their products alongside the words ‘La Vache qui Vote’ (the cow that votes).

Augustin reportedly said:  “We just wanted to pep up the campaign, add a smile, in a campaign that was intellectually weak, particularly bloody boring and depressing … we were a little overtaken by the surreal reactions.”

Their Facebook page  has many photos of the products in the shops and customers posing by them. Many have been compelled to comment and add their opinions, which were somewhat mixed. While some had boycotted the products until the ‘offensive’ images were removed, another facebook user wrote; ‘I love the idea and I’m a big fan! People lack humour, it’s such a shame!’

Whilst the products have now been taken off the shelves and sent to those politicians they depict, this was quite possibly a PR success for foodies Michel and Augustin. They took the biggest current topic in France this month and made it into something they could use. Whilst “even one of their delivery drivers objected to transporting products carrying the image of Carla and Nicolas,”  their Facebook page is sporting a healthy 40 568 ‘likes’ and counting…go on, give ’em like.


Sorrel Holliday

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