Greggs aim to tease the public's senses with their new marketing campaign

By on Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Greggs have most definitely thought outside of the box for their new £1 million experiential marketing campaign.


As well as online videos and Smartphone apps featuring Dr Gregg T Bud (oh I see what you did there), Greggs will be issuing sensory advertising boards in London, Manchester and Glasgow, which will waft the scent of bacon rolls and coffee throughout the city streets.

You know that classic cartoon scene where there's a pie left on the window sill with a visible stream of aroma floating from it, and when it reaches the target character they end up moving towards it in some sort of delirious haze…

What a great image when applied to the streets of Great Britain.

Strategically placing these sensory advertising boards will undoubtedly tease and grab attention, for both regulars and not.

There’s something comforting about the smell of a fresh warm bacon sandwich, and what better way to indulge in those comforts than by spending a few pennies in the shop?

I bet your taste buds are tingling just at the thought.


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