Sacha Baron Cohen spills 'Kim Jong-il's ashes' in Oscars stunt

By on Monday, February 27, 2012

Dressed as the title character Admiral Aladeen of his new movie, The Dictator, Sacha Baron Cohen has played a blinder by creating a stunt only he could have got away with.

Arriving on the red carpet at the 84th Academy Awards with two female guards, Baron Cohen – the creator of Ali G, Bruno and Borat – scattered what looked like ashes from an urn that featured Kim Jong-il's face on the side, telling host Ryan Seacrest that it was Kim’s dying wish “to be sprinkled over the red carpet and over Halle Berry’s chest’.

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n-seacrest.jpg”>The Dictator spill ashes The Oscars Kim Jong-il

He then proceeded to spill more of the ashes over Seacrest's suit. The stunt has made its way into every mention I've heard of the Oscars, and has certainly proved a brilliant promotional tool for the film, from the ever-inventive Baron Cohen.

Watch the moment here:


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