Brighton sea front welcomes ‘Britain’s smallest police station’ in a beach hut
By Staff on Thursday, September 19, 2019
Sussex Police have opened ‘Britain’s smallest police station’ in a beach hut to help manage Brighton’s seafront.
Sussex Police have opened a 9ft by 6ft police station called ‘The Lookout’ in popular weekend destination Brighton. The beach hut, made from recyclable plastic composite and powered by solar panel, has been launched as students return to the seaside town for Fresher’s Week and will immediately provide policing along the seafront.
The station will be manned by Sussex Fire and Rescue, Brighton Beach Patrol and Brighton City Council on weekdays and act as a base for police officers as party-goers descend on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights.
Chief Superintendent Nick May said: “This is a busy seafront and there are clubs and pubs and we want to be able to respond to that. Also we have seen a number of sexual offences on the beach and around seafront and we want to have a visible presence go tackle that.”
By Rachel McCullough @mcculloughrc