Fanta’s monster spider delivers the Halloween heebie-jeebies

By on Monday, October 29, 2018

Londoners were given the Halloween heebie-jeebies today as a terrifying giant creepy crawly was spotted prowling the streets of the capital.

Commuters and tourists experienced arachnophobia as a metre-wide spider was seen scuttling past shops and supermarkets, lurking under bridges and pouncing joggers and cyclists in parks across the city.

Hidden cameras recorded reactions, as it was unleashed on the public and jumped out on passers-by. The eight-legged monster prank was staged by drinks brand Fanta to promote their Halloween campaign.

Fanta Halloween

This prank will leave you shaken ?

Posted by Fanta on Friday, 26 October 2018

Having being tricked, victims of the prank were treated to one of Fanta’s new limited edition Halloween flavours; Blood Orange Zero and Pink Grapefruit Zero.

New research of 2,000 British teenagers specially commissioned by Fanta, reveals that nearly half (45%) of teens look forward to Halloween more than Christmas

Preparation is key, as a third (33%) of young adults start planning their costumes, perfecting their spooky make-up and decorating the house for Halloween over a month in advance.

Almost six in ten (58%) say online bloggers and Instagram influencers will be their biggest inspiration for costume themes this year, while the average British young adult will snap 24 Halloween ‘selfies’; a shocking 200% more than usual!

Rosalind Brown, Marketing Manager at Fanta GB says: “Halloween season is the perfect time to pull pranks and get in the trick or treat spirit, so we unleashed a giant animatronic spider on the unsuspecting public. Spiders are a symbol of Halloween, so we transformed every arachnophobe’s worst nightmare into reality to celebrate the launch of our new Halloween flavours; Blood Orange Zero Sugar and Pink Grapefruit Zero Sugar.”

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