Paddy Power launches Oprah 2020 campaign as Trump touches down in London

By on Thursday, July 12, 2018

As London gears up for huge scale anti-Trump protests, one brand to immediately capitalise was Paddy Power.

Presenting Britain and the world with a potential saviour, the bookmakers dropped a lifelike wax figure of  outspoken American talk show host Oprah Winfrey off at the US Embassy and Parliament Square, alongside the latest odds by of  Oprah becoming the next President (20/1).

Winfrey was encased in a glass box with ‘OPRAH FOR PRESIDENT’ above her head and the message ‘IN CASE OF EMERGENCY BREAK GLASS’ beneath her.



The stunt follows a survey by Paddy Power which saw a massive 71% of Brits keen to see Oprah Winfrey run for president in 2020.

Other contenders gaining serious support in the UK for 2020 are Hilary Clinton (24%), Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson (17%), George Clooney (18%) and Bernie Sanders (11%), but Oprah is by far the most popular rival to Trump.

On top of that, 38% of Brits surveyed think that World War 3 has become more likely since Trump entered the Oval Office, 44% feel like the world is more dangerous now and only  9% believe he is “making America great again”. In contrast, 62% think Oprah would make America great again.

Paddy Power said “The age of truth and sensibility is over; Trump’s shown us that all you need to run for president is an overzealous fan base, an overblown TV show and the balls to lie louder than anyone else.

“Oprah has at least one of those qualities too, but at the end of the day we reckon she’ll do a better job than Trump, so she’s got our vote. Let’s hope she gets the message and jumps right into the swamp!

The stunt was staged by Premier PR.

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