Do you dare? Black Mirror releases Hang the DJ’s ‘relationship expiry date’ button for Valentine’s Day

By on Thursday, February 15, 2018

Valentine’s Day is usually a celebration of love as happy couples spend the 14th wishing that the sentiments felt on that day will stand the test of time; cue the ever cynical dystopian series Black Mirror to throw a spanner in the works with their latest viral campaign.

Inspired by the hit episode “Hang the DJ”, the team behind the show have released a new website which supposedly tells you how long your relationship is destined to last.  For the site to work both parties must press the central button at the same time to reveal their fate filled figure.

From 2 months to 12 years, the generated time varies from person to person and even click to click (meaning you can always have a do-over if you don’t like the first figure given). However if only one person clicks, the site re-calibrates and, as seen on the show, the number shown rapidly begins to dwindle before your very eyes down to mere minutes of compatibility. The share-ability and shock factor of the campaign has led to elevated levels of activity for the show across social media channels as couples and friends alike post their results – for better or worse.

With the temptation of foreboding buttons being almost universally acknowledged, only one question remains, can your curiosity resist the urge?

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