Cancer Research UK offers smokers chance to check their lungs

By on Thursday, March 30, 2017

A new interactive campaign from Cancer Research UK is encouraging smokers to check their lung capacity at bus shelters across the country.

The outdoor posters invite passersby to blow into a small tube to see how smoking has affected their breathing. The longer they puff into it, the more of the below message is revealed:

“If you are a smoker you might not get much further than this line. However, with help from a Stop Smoking adviser is it much more likely that you will be able to quit for good, so you will have a greater chance of making it all the way down to this point here.”

Kudos to Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO and Cancer Research UK for coming up with the idea. On the face of it, this is a smart campaign with a simple but effective message – smoking damages your lungs and look, here’s the proof. Having said that, it’s also kind of gross! Can’t say I’d be keen to put my mouth on or around anything I found at a bus stop!

However, it still works as a campaign and the video and images doing the rounds on social media and various websites have done what they need to, which is to highlight the damage smoking does to people’s lungs and point them in the direction of a service that can help them quit.

A good stunt with a worthy cause.




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