British Heart Foundation finds new way to Twitter users’ hearts

By on Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Today is ‘Restart a Heart’ day. Sorry I didn’t get you anything.

To draw attention to the lack of people that know how to perform CPR, the British Heart Foundation has used Twitter in a way I’ve not seen before.

After ‘liking’ this tweet with the aptly-designed but once much-protested like button:

You are tweeted back with this one (perhaps one in ten get a more positive one? I had a quick look but couldn’t see that to be the case):

It’s not impressed everyone (some replies to their original tweet claim it’s in some way unpleasant), but using a bot/IFTTT to respond with a relevant message is a nice touch.

The reply tweet includes a link that has been clicked nearly 3,000 times at the time of writing (stats here). That’s a very impressive ratio of people ‘liking’ the tweet and then clicking through.

Here’s the campaign video you’re met with:

As well as the tweets, the British Heart Foundation is giving training around the UK. More information can be found on its dedicated page here.

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