J2O plays ‘What’s the time, Mr Wolf?’ with bus stop commuters

By on Thursday, December 17, 2015

Soft juice brand J2O has created an interactive London bus stop billboard, where commuters are stalked by a wolf.


All appears normal when the commuter approaches the billboard, the wolf is static and surrounded by typical advert artwork. Then when the unsuspecting individual turns away the wolf creeps forward, spooky. This continues, with the commuter blissfully unaware that they are being stalked by a purple, digital wolf.

The stunt finalises when the wolf attempts to break its way out of the bus stop to catch its victim. Its face smashes against the glass frontier of the billboard, and a loud smash is heard, naturally causing pedestrians to jump in shock. The last image shows the wolf’s face and large teeth taking up the entire billboard.

The bus stop billboard artwork is of a black forest, in reference to the brand’s new product offering, Midnight Editions, a range that includes fruit juice flavours, spices and chocolate. It is complete with various shades of purple, a large tree, stag, birds and branches.

A nice interactive stunt that I’m sure will raise heart rates and awareness of the new brand range.

Sourced from Event magazine

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