Follow up to ‘Do It For Denmark’ campaign hilariously addresses low birth rate
By Rich Leigh on Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Any campaign that includes imagery like the below is always going to grab attention.
Danish travel agency Spies recently released this – a brilliantly put-together campaign video, viewed by just shy of 6m people so far, asking Danish grandparents to prepay for active holidays for their children in a bid to address the country’s low birth rate (because people have more sex on active holidays, obvs). Bonus points for the would-be gran taking the woman’s bra off… you’ll see:
Here’s the justification from Spies:
The [Danish] birth rate is still too low despite a little progress after last year’s effort (Ed: have embedded below). And this affects us all, but those who suffer the most are perhaps those mothers that will never experience having grandchildren. That’s why we are joining forces with elderly women of Denmark who have become grandma-broody. We have a common goal: More babies.
This year we are prescribing active holidays, because studies have proved that couples that sweat together have more sex. This combined with the fact that you have 51% more sex on a sunny holiday will lead to more sex and therefore more babies aka. grandchildren. In order to give potential grandmothers a strong tool, we have developed the Spies Parent Purchase™ product (Spies Forældrekøb™), where they can prepay active holidays for their children and in-laws in order to make the magic happen. To show that we’re in this together, we’ll throw in some discounts as well.
And here’s last year’s ‘Do It For Denmark’ effort, viewed more than 8m times:
Read more: Do It For Mom