Subaru helps 500 stranded car drivers with branded snow shovels

By on Tuesday, March 3, 2015

How do you create 500 brand advocates for a car brand with a low budget seasonal stunt? You just give them a shovel and let them dig!

Subaru helped drivers with a tongue-in-cheek stunt, handing out branded blue shovels to help free cars from the snow.

After a particularly heavy night of snow in Canada, Subaru set about helping 500 non-Subaru drivers free themselves with branded snow shovels. The blue Subaru shovels each had the description ‘while waiting for your all-wheel drive’, hinting at Subaru’s capability in the snow in contrast to the performance of other car manufacturers.

Subaru Surprises Non-Subaru Owners With Free Snow Shovels

This quirky stunt in Montreal, Canada shows just how easy it is to create an effective stunt, that can actually do a bit of good!


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