#StarStock – Stock photos that really grab your attention

By on Wednesday, March 4, 2015

In the run up to the launch of 21st Century Fox’s new movie, “Unfinished Business”, they’ve teamed up with Getty to provide some rather interesting stock photos – for editorial use only may we add.

Staring Vince Vaughn and Dave Franco, as well as a host of other stars in the film, the stock photos are available to download for just ONE MONTH!  With an initial 4 photo’s being released today and further eight will be released in the run up to the film which premiers later this month  Based on existing stock images, the new #starstock photos really bring to life the cliche images used in advertisements, meetings and just about anywhere you could place them. It’ll be interesting to see where they pop up in future.

Using the #StarStock and #UnfinishedBusiness social media users are invited to share their best uses for the photos – which as a result has increased the upcoming films profile, which hasn’t yet been promoted here in the UK. It works so well because it’s clever, it’s funny and most off all because it’s relevant.  The camping also highlights Getty images as a partner, increase public awareness of the organisation and it’s services.

I don’t think this is the last we’ll see of the photos or the subsequent campaign, who knows what’s next? Maybe a recruitment video, or even a radio jingle, there’s plenty of room to further this campaign.

For more information and download the images please visit IStock here.


Vince Vaugh Stock

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