Musicians unite in Twitter campaign to promote music service Jay Z bought for $56m

By on Monday, March 30, 2015

A number of high profile musicians, including Kanye West, Rihanna, Beyoncé and Madonna have turned their Twitter profiles blue to promote Tidal, the streaming music service recently bought for $56m (£37.8m) by Project Panther Bidco, a company controlled by rapper Jay Z.

jay z tidal

The co-ordinated campaign, usually reserved for charity efforts, is to promote the Spotify rival and a press conference Jay Z is set to hold later today (for which there is a countdown clock on the website), in which he’s expected to announce plans for the business.

More than 60,000 tweets have referenced the #TIDALforALL hashtag according to Topsy – to put that into perspective, 90,000 or so people have said the words ‘Samsung’ and ‘cake’ on Twitter today. (Why those two words? NO IDEA).


According to the Guardian’s coverage of the stunt, ‘Tidal is a Spotify rival originally launched by Norwegian firm Aspiro in October 2014, before the company was acquired by Project Panther Bidco.

The service, which ended 2014 with half a million paying subscribers, prides itself of its audio quality, charging users £19.99 a month.

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