App sends automated messages to nurture relationships

By on Saturday, March 1, 2014

In these times of all work and no play, some mobile boffins have built an app that makes relationships all the easier to maintain – courtesy of automated messages to keep the flame of love alive.

BroApp, which bills itself as your “clever relationship wingman” uses similar tech to digital platforms like Crowdsource – that streams live feedback and advice from people in their immediate vicinity – by despatching romantic messages to a girlfriend, allowing the user the free time to enjoy a night off.

This pre-programmed emotional availability comes complete with some interesting/somewhat sexist features such as a “Girlfriend Wifi Detector,” “Girlfriend Intrusion Detector,” and a “Recent Contact Detector” – remaining a secret to all including the desired recipient and or additional spouse.


Available for download here, the true innovation of the app seems less to do with the software and more to do with the column inches its generated since launch on the likes of The Mail Online, The Telegraph, Wired and Fast Co – turning into downloads and cold hard cash as a result.

A quick hop, skip and a jump over to the BroApp website, users/media can download a press-pack complete with release, logo and screenshots courtesy of the app developers and all round nice guys Tom and James.

Not exactly the most original of approaches, but nonetheless a clever bit of cost-effective marketing for a novelty app portrayed as so much more.

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