LEGO Minifigure History Published in Miniature

By on Sunday, October 6, 2013

Like the vast majority of the UK population, I am guilty of whiling away many an enjoyable hour creating magical edifices with mini coloured Danish bricks. What’s more, LEGO have in my opinion, like the quality of their creative publicity, only improved with age.

The latest example comes during the landmark 35th birthday of their legendary minifigure [you know? The little yellow bloke with spanner hands] who has been honoured with a book to document the visual history of his life since his/her conception in 1978, published in typically teeny tiny miniature.

Issued in partnership with DK Books the ‘LEGO Minifigure Year by Year’, the hardback compendium measuring 20mm by 17mm is an entirely faithful 1:15 scale replica of its full-sized counterpart.

As is always the case with LEGO’s publicity their innate sense of fun was ingeniously carried over to Brick Lane book launch, where the East London bookshop was awash with pocket-sized cocktails and Lilliputian canapés – not to mention celebs, journos and papz.


Simon Beecroft, Publishing Director of Licensing at DK, said:

“During the making of the book, it occurred to us that we should also make a version solely for the minifigures. We thought it would be fun to make a hardback that they could actually hold, and even host their own book launch in a minifigure-sized book shop. They have the largest population on earth and it seemed like the perfect 35th birthday present.”

With over 2,000 minifigures throughout, and going on sale from this week, all the classics are there including a few rare or previously unseen models – plus LEGO’s customary myriad of interesting facts that will make you smile as you leaf through the little pages.


Fancy getting your massive hands on a copy? Check out the DK Books website and once you’ve picked it up, you’ll never LEGO (…sorry, couldn’t resist…).

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