Pot Noodle opens pop-up restaurant, for Lads

By on Wednesday, August 14, 2013

OK, I might be able to believe that 16 to 24 year-old guys are “not interested in Michelin Star fine dining”, but does that automatically mean they want to eat Pot Noodle wearing a tuxedo onsie…in public?

Apparently so.

Yesterday, Pot Noodle launched the aptly named Chez Bloke to allow “lads” to live the dream and celebrate the launch of a new flavour of Pot Noodle, Piri Piri Chicken.

You can’t just book a table. Fans have to enter a Facebook competition for the chance to win a meal for themselves, and two friends (or should that be mates?). The “lads” will be served beer by waitresses, as they relax in their Lay-Z-Boy chairs and watch TV (on a widescreen natch).

Pot Noodle

What do you think? Is this the perfect campaign for the brand’s target demographic?


Source: Marketing Magazine

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