Chemotherapy renamed ‘Superhero formula’ to help nervous child cancer patients

By on Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Having hospital treatment is a scary thought for anyone, but for children it can be an incredibly nerve wracking experience. To help make the process easier global agency JWT has joined forces with A.C.Camargo Cancer Center in São Paulo to find a way to make children less nervous about receiving chemotherapy: by rebranding it as a ‘superhero formula’.

The agency, which also works with Warner Bros, created covers for IV bags featuring characters from the Justice League series, including Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. They also worked with Warner Bros to create a series of comic books, in which the Justice League characters the Green Lantern go through experiences similar to those of kids with cancer, and recover their strength, thanks to the ‘Superformula’.


The IV bags have been replaced by superformula covers


Discussing the project, JWT said: “Covers for intravenous bags were constructed based on characters from the Justice League, creating…a child-friendly version of the treatment. Co-developed with doctors, the covers are easy to sterilize and handle and meet all hospital hygiene standards.

“The experience went far beyond the covers by also providing a new look to the entire Children’s Ward: the game room was turned into the Hall of Justice, corridors and doors were decorated in the same theme, and the exterior acquired an exclusive entrance for these little heroes.”

Using creative powers for good is such a simple idea, but one that will undoubtedly have made the lives of these children a little less daunting.

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