Nike Laser Beam Football Pitch #Mipista

By on Sunday, June 23, 2013

Nike launched a cool campaign in Spain called #Mipista.

Nike Laser Football Pitch

Nike Laser Football Pitch

Finding somewhere to kick a ball around in the city can be a challenge, which is why Nike paired with Doubleyou to make things easier for football players around the world using a laser-projected pitch.

Using an app, or the Mipista website, soccer players with nowhere to play in the city could request a visit from the company’s laser-equipped van. The van’s specialised crane would then be raised above an open area of space, before projecting the digital soccer field onto the urban landscape.

The campaign seems perfect for Spain. Not only is the idea fun, but it gives kids and teenagers without access to the right facilities a chance to hone their skills wherever they can find the space.

 Follow Author @AndrewPCBarratt

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