IKEA builds the world's smallest store in innovative digital marketing campaign

By on Saturday, April 21, 2012

Despite not being PR per se, this lovely digital marketing campaign from IKEA can't go without a mention, especially as the overall idea behind the campaign is quite headline-grabbing. It's got some nice media pickup, too, including here on The Next Web, so I thought it would be one readers might like to see.

The clever people at IKEA have built the world's smallest store, measuring in at just 300 x 250 pixels.

In order to browse the 2,800 products 'on sale' at the store (which is really just an interactive banner ad targeting German buyers), you just need to mouse-over the department you're interested in, and when you see an item you like the look of, one click will take you to the product page.

Click here to go through to see the store.

As I've said elsewhere, I'm a fan of companies that aren't afraid of embracing the fact that marketing campaigns can't be all fun, all the time. If a concept can be both innovative and help shift products, then well, you're doing something right.

According to the article on TNW, the banner ad/store has been placed on property and community websites, targeting owners of studio flats and one/two bedroom apartments.

Here's what IKEA has to say:

With city populations on the rise, living spaces are becoming increasingly limited. IKEA believes that no matter how cramped your space, there’s always a solution. To demonstrate this, we built an entire IKEA store in a 300 x 250 pixel web banner. We targeted people looking for studio flats as well as one/two bedroom apartments by placing our tiny stores in the real estate section of community websites. As with our full size stores, shoppers were able to browse by department, choose and buy any of our products on display.

Watch a short demonstration of the idea here:

Source: Matt Muir's Web Curios

Involved agency: Ogilvy Action, Dubai


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