And the winner of Made Up PR: 01 is…
By Rich Leigh on Sunday, April 29, 2012
Time’s up. Two weeks have passed and the time has come to announce the winner of the first ever #madeupPR; the prize for receiving the most votes for a solution to a fictional PR scenario being a signed copy of Stephen Waddington and Steve Earl’s new book Brand Anarchy (buy it here on Amazon).
To recap, I told how Average Jim’s Gym had opened in Tubsville, a place where the citizens are more likely to use a stair lift than weight lift, and was looking for ways to increase membership with a budget of £2,000. I asked readers to submit their ideas, and for those ideas to be voted for.
There were some brilliant proposals put forward – please do go off and read them in the comments section here when you get chance – so, thanks to the nine people who got involved, and everybody who voted for their favourites.
Without further ado, the first ever Made Up PR winner is…
Congratulations to Rob, who saw through my thinly veiled inspiration for the scenario. Huge thanks again to everybody who has got involved, by contributing ideas, voting, sharing and even just reading.
We’re back with our second edition of #madeupPR shortly with another brilliant prize, so keep an eye out on the homepage.
Here are the people who took the time to submit a proposal, along with their Twitter names. Why not follow them and say hi?
Amy Sutton (@indigo_daisy85) – senior account exec at Weber Shandwick
Chris Gibbs (@ChrisMGibbs) – senior account director at Waggener Edstrom
Chris White (@RomerosSoldier) – PR and marketing co-ordinator at GameCity
Nikki Taylor (@teebeanz) – account exec at Brand Engine
Milly Jody (@MillyJody) – intern at an ad agency (Google won’t tell me where!)
Richard Wilson (@RichardWilson84) – PR exec at LivingSocial
Rob Ashwell (@r_ashwell) – account director at Publitek
Sam Brown (@brownsam) – Digital Marketing Executive at Welcome to Yorkshire
Sian Emily Hughes (@MeSianey) – student marketing and comms intern at University of Manchester