Dulux piggybacks #BRITs2013 with reactive ad
Dulux piggybacks #BRITs2013 with reactive ad
‘Best bus stop ever’ – public surprised whilst waiting for a bus
Ford are going to give away Fiesta models to bloggers.
Car Perfume
Reinvent yourself for Fashion Week with 'Anyagrams'
Utilising virals for PR: Page 3 girls do the Harlem Shake
No more Wembley wobblies with Kevin Keegan's de-stress spray
Members of the public pranked into believing they were wanted suspects in Nivea PR stunt
From meat to you… La Tasca's 'Meat Bouquet'
Cheeky job hunter spends first wage on another billboard to thank public
Girl dumps boyfriend on Valentine's Day using one of Lord Sugar's ad screens
Matt Damon’s fake press conference asks people to give a crap
Singletons put #HeartOnSleeve to find love this February
notnonthehighstreet.com wins with #tweetheart Valentine's Day campaign
Ikea Valentine’s – Free cot for babies born 9 months from today
McDonald’s goes posh with waiter service and china plates
Which was the most successful job site PR piggyback related to the Pope’s resignation?
Bing helps man propose to his girlfriend with flashmob singing her favourite song
Litter Genie: a love song, about cat litter..?
Kate and Wills Come Up Smelling Of Roses
Confused.com offers date insurance in Valentine’s stunt